How long will you wait?

Today I thought I would share with you all a recent experience I had.  I am sure many of you probably have had the same one as well.  It goes like this.
You make an appointment for a Doctor ( in this case I was driving my step dad to his eye appointment) and he warned me he usually has to wait.  With that thought in mind I did bring my kindle with me, figured I would catch up on some reading... His appointment was for 2:30 for which we arrived promptly.  After signing in and updating some of his info we sat down to wait to be called.
I was really surprised when they called him about 2:50.  I thought wow, that wasn't long at all.  I now settled in to read.

At about 4:00 my step dad comes out, I start to stand thinking he is all done and ready to go......NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT he hasn't even seen the doctor yet!!  He was inside the golden doors waiting in line with about 4 people ahead of him....Now for those of you who know me, I would have left if it were my appointment.  My time is valuable!!!

Why do doctors overbook?  The average patient for this eye doctor needs 45 minutes, then why are patients booked 15 minutes apart? I was sitting next to a woman who then told me her husband's appointment was at 1:30 (now 4:15) and he hadn't come out.

I began to think about real estate - would Buyers wait in line for us?  If they had an appointment at 12 but we didn't show up till 2 do you think they would wait?  I think not.  Why do people wait for doctors?  If they would all just start leaving after a reasonable wait period, maybe the doctors would rethink their scheduling practices. I for one will not wait longer than 30 minutes for any appointment. My time is just as valuable.  What are your thoughts?  How long will you wait to see any Doctors?

p.s. - my Step-Dad finally was done at 4:45 p.m.

Sue Lucas
Broker Associate
Re/Max Southern Shores


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