Just one of those days......

Whew.. its 9:00 P.M. and I finally am winding down.  What a busy day.  Started out with some personal errands to run followed by a Board of Directors Meeting at Noon that went until about 1:30.  Then had to drive by a potential listing.  Then more errands and last stop before 5 was to my cell phone provider to figure out why I can't get or make any phone calls!!!  This is so frustrating.. One would think when you upgrade your phone to better technology, it would be able to make a call. NOT!!!!!   Well after going over some checks etc... it was decided to switch out the phone AGAIN - now I have to add back all my apps, configure the phone again, email, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....  gotta love technlogy.

What phone do you have? 

Are you happy with it?

comments please.....

Sue Lucas


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